Friday, July 27, 2007

Casa Del Olsen

I did some shooting today since I had my camera at the Olsen household and wanted to try some real HDR and infrared so here's the results. I think it looks like a resort.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

SDSU, What a Joke!

Im starting to get really annoyed with college. Not because classes are hard (they aren't really) or because i don't want to go, but because registration is a complete and total joke. At least at SDSU it is anyway.

I think they accepted way too many people for the amount of classes there are. I am a television and film major. This fall I should be taking a 16mm film class, a television production class and audio production class along with some GE classes. The average number of seats in those classes is 22. Registration has only been open for approx a week and a half or so and already the average number of seats left is less than 10. And my registration isn't until August 20th. So basically, I have a little less than a month left before I register to hope and pray that 10 seats arent taken up in those classes... the chances of that - slim to none. And that isn't just for classes that I would like because I like the schedule, those are the ONLY sections for those classes.

In other words, there is only 1 section for each of those classes that I am REQUIRED to take before I can get into my major, plus 2 more classes that have to be taken after those 3, and I am supposed to go into the major before junior year.

I am SCREWED. And what is sad about that is that I am on the Dean's List with above a 3.5 GPA, in the top 10% of my college (Professional Studies and Fine Arts), will have 40 units when I am done with Summer School (when the average Sophomore will have between 24-30 units), and I am going to be screwed out of classes I need to take.

I feel like I won't be able to graduate in 4 years not because of my grades or effort, but because I can't get classes because there aren't enough. And my family is paying for this!

And this comes after registering last semester when our online registration system crashed the day of registration. I sat at the computer for 8 hours trying to register. When it finally came back up, Everyone who was to register in that time period got on all at the same time and crashed it more times. By the time I was finally able to get on, my schedule had to be totally repicked because of all the seats that were gone. Instead of SDSU just reissuing registration times, they just let it be a free-for-all which screwed everyone in the end.

There is definitely a need to fix this registration issue and maybe its just SDSU that has this problem. My sister registered a month ago at SFSU. Stephanie registered before school was even over at UCSD. I dont even register until 7 days before class starts. Does that seem right to you?

I am fed up with this bogus system.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Last week in Bio lab, we were supposed to swab something and then wipe it on some gel in a little dish. Stephanie and I decided to swab my cell phone to show how gross phones are (since we knew it was going ot be about bacteria). That photo is the result.

Gross indeed.... Now go sanitize your phone.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I feel like I need to leave.

Yesterday I went to see Sicko (the Michael Moore movie on U.S. healthcare) and it really bothered me a lot. Its sickening to know that countries like Canada, England and France all get their healthcare for free while tons of people in America are getting screwed by American Insurance companies. Even more disturbing is that Cuba has better healthcare than us. How is it that a medicine that costs $120 here costs under $0.05 in Cuba, and its just as legitimate (its the same exact thing).

I cant really even explain everything in the movie and how disturbing it was, but I definitely recommend seeing it. It makes me want to move elsewhere. Maybe I'll move to France.....

Saturday, July 21, 2007

New Website and so much more!!!! YAY!!!

Well, it turned out that my laptop harddrive did die and I lost a bunch of photos and my website. After finding my Applecare and registering it (late), P dub hooked me up and fixed it.

And so I began the reconstruction process of rebuilding my website to make it new and improved and its done: . So Check it out and let me know what you think.

Last week, my mom got 4 tix to the Pads game on Tues and Thurs night which was sweet. On Tues, I went with Ian and Alan.
Only eventful thing was when they were throwing stuff to the crowd, this petco dog mascot drilled Ian right in the chest, and we were pretty close (3 rows deep). On Thurs, I went with Steph, Alan and Jeremy, which wasn't as crazy, but I took photos which I will post up later.

I have to go to the movies now with Steph so catch you on the flip side.

BCH over and out!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I think my Macbook harddrive just died :'(

and I lost hundreds of recent photos, a slideshow, my website and steven's website and who knows what else. Plus I don't know where my Applecare is. I think I am going to cry :(

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Another Marina HDR

Not a true HDR, but same effect.

Today (well technically yesterday) in a nutshell.

Set up a flickr pro account ( to share my photos.Went to pick up Stephanie and Kathy from the airport. Took them to in n out. Played with Stephanie's iphone (its really cool, but it lacks gps and ichat). Watched Steven. Everyone in the Olsen house pretty much passed out. Went to dinner with Steph and my parents in seaport village at busters (it was tasty). Cruised around the marina. Checked out the hotel room my parents were staying at for their 20th anniversary (same room as the night of their wedding, good call dad). Tasted 1999 Dom Perignon (and it was gross). Watched some very brief fireworks. Rolled out and dropped Steph off. Played with photomatix trying to make some HDR images from pics I took tonight (with not very many good results, except for the ones I'm going to post. Sat here and recapped my day. 'Twas a nice day.

I need to start taking more pictures, so I decided I'm going to try to more frequently and post them often. heres a couple HDR's from this evening.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Photo of the Day

Valle De Trinidad, Baja California

Test 2

Jerry the terrorizer. Poor zach.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mobile blogging test (from cell phone, AWESOME!)

Puppy love
Photo of the Day

What? Another blog?

Why did I make another blog? I already don't post often on my blog on my website and I never post on my .mac blog. I think the appeal of only having to login on the internet to update rather than upload my whole website every time from iweb via ftp may be part of it. The other part I think is the nostalgia of good 'ol Xanga... those were the days. Who knows how long this will last? I like being able to update this easier though, so maybe I'll get it together and update often. I must also admit I was somewhat inspired by reading Lisa Bebi's blog, so thanks Lisa. Anyways, I think I'll keep the blog on my website for when I'm on my photo journies and adventures and this as more of a daily or weekly thing.

So, today... I went to Bio lab at SWC (BLAH) with my boy, Herman Higa. That class is very entertaining, not to mention easy since he gives us the answers to everything. Today we did a lab on respiration with mice that involved putting them in a tiny cage with barely enough space to fit, putting the cage into a beaker and then sealing it with a big plug that had a small tube sticking out for them to breathe. Some mice had to be placed in cold containers from the freezer to test if temperature made a difference on respiration. PETA would love it.

After I got home, my sister and I ordered Pizza Hut -- a tasty Hawaiian pizza and delicious P'zone (mmm i love p'zone!)
Sometime after, I passed out for an unknown amount of time.

My sister yelled at me from downstairs and was freaking out about something at the door. I looked out and it was an extremely cute bulldog pup. I played with her for a little while and decided to take her in the backyard so I could hang onto her until I found out who's she was (while telling my parents I got a new dog and Stephanie that I got her a dog). She played around back for a while and terrorized my dog Zach. I think he's gettting old and grumpy. The pup was also fascinated by the rabbit (who we just found out is named Jerry, while we have been calling him Einstein because that is what my sister named him). Later on, my next door neighbors asked my neighbor across the street if she had seen the dog so I had to let her go. Please note I had no idea this dog was theirs, so I wasn't trying to dognap her.

Now I'm sitting on my couch, fiddling with this while my dog gets harassed by the rabbit. What a sad sight that is.

BCH over and out.