Saturday, July 14, 2007

Today (well technically yesterday) in a nutshell.

Set up a flickr pro account ( to share my photos.Went to pick up Stephanie and Kathy from the airport. Took them to in n out. Played with Stephanie's iphone (its really cool, but it lacks gps and ichat). Watched Steven. Everyone in the Olsen house pretty much passed out. Went to dinner with Steph and my parents in seaport village at busters (it was tasty). Cruised around the marina. Checked out the hotel room my parents were staying at for their 20th anniversary (same room as the night of their wedding, good call dad). Tasted 1999 Dom Perignon (and it was gross). Watched some very brief fireworks. Rolled out and dropped Steph off. Played with photomatix trying to make some HDR images from pics I took tonight (with not very many good results, except for the ones I'm going to post. Sat here and recapped my day. 'Twas a nice day.

I need to start taking more pictures, so I decided I'm going to try to more frequently and post them often. heres a couple HDR's from this evening.

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