Friday, August 3, 2007

Diet day 1

today the diet went pretty well... for me at least. Steven, Kathy and I met Steph for lunch at Panera.
I had:
low-fat chicken noodle soup
half strawberry chicken poppyseed salad
fruit "cup"
strawberry smoothie (strawberries and low fat yogurt)

a little salad
tiny piece of steak

Then I went to play some bball with Cory. We played 21. He beat me 2 games to 1. Somehow he hit more shots in the dark. Noteworthy- Cory got stuffed 3 times.

After we were done, we watched the pad game (outstanding finish) and Cory failed me when devouring 2 pieces of fried chicken and an ice cream sandwich after admitting to eating approximately 10 oatmeal cookies. Thats disappointment sauce right there.

Now I am tired.

BCH over and out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lets exercise. now.
tennis today?